: Stock investments provide one of the highest returns in the market. Investor can visualize the share price and other statistical factors.
This paper focuses an approach for analysing and forecasting a company’s share price using the LSTM algorithm. The stock’s data is derived
from Yfinance, using this data, the investors can view all of the previous company’s equity pricing data, company’s stock previous pricing and
current pricing is used to create a candle graph, Implying the option chain for the listing of Calls and Puts and the strike for the firm tend to
invest in the firm within an eternity. A dividend graph is used to determine the firms profit information, the most recent trend and news
regarding the stock are notified. The algorithmic model may initially trained with the past dataset and based on the accuracy of the trained data
value and the testing of the model can be implemented after the best accuracy obtained in the past testing algorithm. As a result, the investor
may have extensive information about the stock’s future value, including the high and low points at a particular time frame, with references
included in the graphical structure. Furthermore, it must be possible for buyers to receive free stock market information that is as accurate as
possible and leads to an investment, as well as comprehensive guidance on the company in which they might consider investing their money.
Keywords-Dataset, Yfinance,Chatbot,Candle Graph, Dividend graph, User InterestModule, LSTM, Predicted graph .