: Nowadays, the usage and application of software in civil engineering for different jobs and purposes such as designing, drafting, drawing, estimation, and other jobs related. There are many designing software on the internet such as STAAD.Pro, SAP, ETABS, and RISA-3D. Drawing and drafting software also available such as Auto CAD, 3D Home, Architectural Desktop, and some other construction management software is quite popular in the civil engineering industry. Apart from the above-mentioned software, there is other special software for the design of treatment plants, pipeline design, etc. Some of the Civil Engineering-related jobs such as analysis and design. Finite element analysis and computational fluid dynamics are computer applications that are helping in the civil engineering study area. Although there is no significant attempt was made in the design and drawing of irrigation structures such as tank sluices with tower heads, syphon aqueducts, canal drops, etc. The study and work upon which the paper is based are to give a complete design solution for tank sluice with tower head. The structural and hydraulic components are considered in the design. This software is developed with the help of programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL database for the development of user interface in the software and storing the data inputs. These programming languages need a code editor to correct the errors and debug the bugs while the programs are running. For the ease of our work, Visual studio code editor is used. MySQL database is created in the XAMPP server. All the software and other tools used for the development are available as open source.
Keywords— VS Code Editor, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, Tank sluice with tower head, XAMPP server.