t Opinion mining for comment sentiment analysis is the field of study that analyzes people’s opinions, sentiments, evaluations, attitudes and emotions from written languages. The system uses sentiment analysis methodology in order to achieve desired functionality. This project is a web application where the registered user will view the product and product features and will comment about the product. System will analyze the comments of various users and will rank product. We use a database of sentiment based keywords along with positivity or negativity weight in database and then based on these sentiment keywords mined in user comment is ranked. Comment will be analyzed by comparing the comment with the keywords stored in database. The system takes the comments of various users, based on the comment, system will specify whether the product is good, bad or worst. Once user login to the system he can view the product and product features. After viewing the product user can comment about the product. User can also view the comment of other user’s. The role of the admin is to add product to the system and to add keywords to the database. By this application user can easily identify his needs.