Every day participation stamping is a typical and significant action in schools and universities for checking the presentation of
understudies. Manual Attendance keeping up is troublesome cycle, particularly for enormous gathering of understudies. Some mechanized
frameworks created to beat these challenges, have downsides like expense, counterfeit participation, precision, nosiness. To beat these
downsides, there is need of savvy and computerized participation framework. Customary face acknowledgment frameworks utilize strategies to
recognize a face from the given information yet the outcomes are not generally exact and exact as wanted. The framework depicted in this
expects to stray from such customary frameworks and acquaint another methodology with recognize an understudy utilizing a face
acknowledgment framework, the age of a facial Model. This depicts the working of the face acknowledgment framework that will be conveyed as
an Automated Attendance System in a study hall climate.
Keywords: Machine learning, CNN, Boost Algorithm, database, Surveilance Camera, MATLAB, Training data, Student attendance.