Email and SMS languages have its own impacts, both formally and informally among the youth of the country. Through this project, I mainly concentrate on the language adopted in emails and SMS with special focus on its linguistic and stylistic features. This project aims to study the variations in language when it is used computer-mediated environments. The first section of the core chapter elaborates SMS language and its influence on society, followed by the primary motivation which leads to the emergence of SMS language. Then, concentrate on each and every characteristics of SMS language. As observing the language used in emails I would be able to notice certain deviations when compared to that used in conventionalized language. Then my focus is on various language aspects used in emails, such as, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, contractions, ellipsis, sentence constructions, etc. I present the project in such a manner that the non standard spelling, incomplete sentence constructions, omission of punctuations are often excused or ignored in emails and is even considered as a “natural feature” of electronic communication. Email and SMS language not destroying the traditional rules of language but it is a new form of language which is more creative and innovative. The advent of SMS and email communication has considerably changed the linguistic environment we are in.