Infiltration is the process by which water on the ground surface enters the soil. Infiltration rate in soil science is a measure of the rate at which a particular soil is able to absorb rainfall or irrigation. It is measured in cm per hour or millimeters per hour.The infiltration capacity is dependent on a large number of factors; some of them are characteristics of the soil, vegetative cover, condition of the soil surface, soil temperature, water content of the soil, rainfall intensity, etc. If the intensity of rainfall exceeds the infiltration rate of a given soil it results in a runoff. At a certain moment the maximum infiltration rate can be indicated by the infiltration capacity of soil. Based on the infiltration rate obtained, soil type and soil texture can be determined. From the data collected from the sites,a graph is plotted against time and infiltration rate. And based on the graph the infiltration rate is found out by using Horton’s method. Depending upon the soil texture and parameters of Horton’s method green ampt value is calculated for a site by using iteration method. The difference of expected value and observed value gives the chi-square value. This gives the best fitting model. The study aimed to determine constant infiltration rates. For getting best fitting model for particular soil and soil condition the results obtained from various statistical methods are of soils in different sites in Kollam by Horton’s method and comparing it with the infiltration rates obtained by Green Ampt Method used.