the construction activities of our country have been growing through new economic policies formulated and implemented by the government. The basic infrastructure facilities have also been growing very fast. People migrate from their existing place of residence too far off places and to industrial towns for seeking job opportunities. In all the industrial towns and sub-urban areas, there is a heavy demand for houses for residential purposes. The nagar development has been growing from leaps and bounds. The building constructions are mostly undertaken by the plot owners themselves in the recent past. There has been a shift in these days as people started to seek the help of builders and contractors for constructing residential buildings. The reason behind is that they do not know the technical details of construction of residential buildings and also they do not have time to spare for material procurement, supervision and look after the day-to-day construction activities. Hence, there is a growing demand for the plot owners to seek the help of the builders and contractors. It has been visibly found that there is a wide gap between the demand for builders and the existing plot owners. In the construction industry, the builders provide services to the plot owners and also meet the expectations of the plot owners. At this juncture, the builders started marketing their services through various avenues. They give wide publicity through newspapers and tv advertisements. They started marketing their services through builders association. The builders undertake construction activities individually or in the form of groups or companies. From the existing scenario of construction of residential buildings, it has been identified that there is an existence of gray market for the builders. Thus, a study has been undertaken to find out the marketing practices prevailing for the builders to meet the growing demand of would be dwellers.